
(Online) masterclass

Gytha gives lectures and master classes, both in person and online. These are often used as inspiration sessions or to start the conversation about addressing undesirable behaviour in the organisation.

In these interactive sessions Gytha shares the main results of her research and offers suggestions on how to make it easier to give constructive feedback and address undesirable behaviour at work. The following topics are covered:

  • What do we consider acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in this organisation?
  • Addressing undesirable behaviour – how do we do it and what is the impact we make?
  • Why is addressing undesirable behaviour so difficult?
  • What does is bring us if we do it more often?
  • What makes it easier – a few practical tools.
  • What will I do differently starting tomorrow?

An interactive lecture can be conducted for small as well as large audiences. The duration is between 50 and 90 minutes. In the intimacy of a small team, there is more room for a constructive conversation about the desired and undesired behaviour and how to deal with it in the group. With a large audience participants are encouraged to engage in conversation with others around them and to reflect on personal actions.

The interactive lecture is also available as a webinar or an online masterclass. The duration is 75 minutes. The maximum number of participants is 100. Both are highly interactive with use of polls, the chat function, raising hands and the microphone (you don’t have to stay on ‘mute’ with us; we like to encourage a dialogue!).

There is always a comprehensive online intake where a number of practical cases are discussed. Based on that the presentation is tailor-made for the audience.

Here are a few examples of the reactions afterwards:

‘Fun and interactive!’, ‘Very recognisable!’, ‘Inspiring’, ‘Good speaker’ , ‘Confrontational and friendly’, ‘Refreshing perspective’, ‘This is the conversation I want to have’, ‘Crystal clear and nice and practical!’

You can find a few short impressions on our YouTube channel.

Would you like more information? Please send an e-mail to info@be7.nl.